height / taille / altezza / alto / Größe / 高さ / 高度:
weight / poids / peso / Gewicht / 重量:
chest / poitrine / busto / pechos / brustumfang / バスト / 胸围:
waist / taille / vita / talle / Taillenweite /ウエスト周囲 / 腰围:
hip / bassin / fianchi / caldera / Hüftumfang / 股関節周囲 / 臀围 :
shoe size / chaussure / calzature / calzado / Schuhgröße / 靴のサイズ / 鞋码:
I feel sorry for near-beauties with small noses."
--Richard Avedon, 1955 commenting on Jacqueline de Ribes
1929: Birth
Jacqueline de Beaumont was born on 14 July 1929, the day of 140th anniversary of Bastille Day.
“I was born on July 14,” Jacqueline recounted during a toast occasioned by President Nicolas Sarkozy’s decoration of her as a Cavalier of the Legion of Honor. “I evidently stirred up a little revolution.”.
“I was born on July 14,” Jacqueline recounted during a toast occasioned by President Nicolas Sarkozy’s decoration of her as a Cavalier of the Legion of Honor. “I evidently stirred up a little revolution.”.
1948: becoming Vicomtesse
In 1948, Jacquline married Vicomte Edwardo de Ribes, and thus became Vicomtesse de Ribes.
“Between 1950 and 1955, I figured out my style. The real change occurred between 1953 and 1954. It had to do with my eye makeup. Everyone said I looked like Nefertiti—I don’t, but that’s how I got the idea.”
--Jacqueline de Ribes
1950s-1980s: socialite, producer, muse
In 1956, Jacqueline de Ribes was voted into International Best Dressed List, and would be on the same list for 4 years. And in 1962, she ascended to the International Best Dressed Hall of Fame.
In 1958, she produced the first play performed at the new Recamier Theatre: When five years will be passed by Spanish poet and playwright Federico García Lorca, and in 1961, Jacqueline de Ribes became the new manager of the International Ballet of the Marquis de Cuevas, and she co-produced with Raymundo de Larrian Prokofiev’s Cinderella with Geraldine Chaplin, daughter of Charlie Chaplin.
Later on, she co-produced the initiative for the first French television channel, a film in three episodes from the book by Luigi Barzini Italians, published by Gallimard in 1966.
In the 1970s, she focused her efforts on volunteering for show production and co-produced Eurovision television shows to benefit UNICEF.
In 1958, she produced the first play performed at the new Recamier Theatre: When five years will be passed by Spanish poet and playwright Federico García Lorca, and in 1961, Jacqueline de Ribes became the new manager of the International Ballet of the Marquis de Cuevas, and she co-produced with Raymundo de Larrian Prokofiev’s Cinderella with Geraldine Chaplin, daughter of Charlie Chaplin.
Later on, she co-produced the initiative for the first French television channel, a film in three episodes from the book by Luigi Barzini Italians, published by Gallimard in 1966.
In the 1970s, she focused her efforts on volunteering for show production and co-produced Eurovision television shows to benefit UNICEF.
1983-1995: fashion designer
In 1982, Jacqueline de Ribes announced to her family that she was going to design clothes for other women, and nothing and nobody could stop her.
On March 3, 1983, She launched her first collection of 14 models in the de Ribes town house in 8th Arrondissement during Paris fashion week.
It was successful both critically and commercially, and Saks Fifth Avenue signed an exclusive three-year contract with her afterwards. In less than two years, Jacqueline de Ribes design were present in more than 40 stores in USA.
In 1986, Japanese cosmetics conglomerate Kanebo acquired a minority stake in the company. But this partnership was not a happy one. Jacqueline de Ribes was unwilling to change her designs to adapt to the Japanese women figures.
In 1995, after a decade of design, she had to retire due to health reasons.
2010 legion d'honneur
In 2010, French president Nicolas Sarkozy awarded Jacqueline de Ribes of the legion d'honneur at the Elysee Palace.
2015: MET Retrospective
On 19 November 2015, Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York held the exhibtion: Jacqueline de Ribs: The Art of Style, the first time in its history to dedicate to a style icon alive in such manner.
- Main House: Jacqueline de Ribes lives with her husband at a townhouse in Paris France.
In her more than 10 years as a fashion designer, Jacqueline de Ribes has dressed some of the most famous and infamous women in the 80s, such as Barbara Walters, Baroness von Thyssen, Cher, Olympia de Rothschild, Marie-Hélène de Rothschild, Danielle Steel, Rachel Welch, Joan Collins, Cher, many of them "power women" who also were dressed in Giorgio Armani.
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