Zhang Ziyi (Chinese: 章子怡; born 9 February 1979) is a Chinese actress and model. She is regarded as one of the Four Dan Actresses of China. Her first major role was in The Road Home (1999). She later gained international recognition for her role in Ang Lee's Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (2000), which was nominated for 10 Academy Awards. Zhang has also appeared in Rush Hour 2 (2001), Hero (2002), and House of Flying Daggers (2004). Her most critically acclaimed works are Memoirs of a Geisha (2005), which earned her nominations for the Golden Globe Award for Best Actress, the BAFTA Award for Best Actress in a Leading Role, and the Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Leading Role; and The Grandmaster (2013), for which she won 12 different Best Actress awards to become the most awarded Chinese actress for a single film. From 2004 to 2010, Zhang ranked in the Top 5 of Forbes China Celebrity 100 list every year. In 2008, she was awarded with the Outstanding Contribution to Chinese Cinema award at the 11th Shanghai International Film Festival. In 2013, she received the French Cultural Order at the Ordre des Arts et des Lettres. 章子怡(1979年2月9日-),北京人,中國大陸女演員和製片人。章子怡從小學習舞蹈,後考入中央戲劇學院戲劇表演系。在學期間,因主演張藝謀的電影《我的父親母親》(1999年)成名,之後因參演《臥虎藏龍》(2000年)而揚名世界。 章子怡先后與電影名導如張藝謀、李安、王家衛等人合作,出演《英雄》(2002年)、《十面埋伏》(2004年)、《2046》(2004年)、《藝伎回憶錄》(2005年)等電影。2005年,章子怡入選為奧斯卡終身評委。2013年,章子怡第二度和導演王家衛合作出演《一代宗師》(2013年),並憑藉電影中的「宮二」一角,首獲第50屆金馬獎最佳女主角獎及獲得第33屆香港电影金像獎等共12個演員獎項。章子怡獲得华语电影主要獎項,香港電影金像獎、金馬獎、百花獎、華表獎、金雞獎主角獎的大滿貫得主。2013年,獲頒法國法蘭西藝術與文學騎士勳章。 BiographyZhang Ziyi was born and raised in Beijing, China. Her father, Zhang Yuanxiao, was an accountant and later economist, and her mother, Li Zhousheng, a kindergarten teacher. She has an older brother with whom she is very close. Zhang began studying dance when she was 8 years old; subsequently, she joined the Beijing Dance Academy at her parents' suggestion at the age of 11. At the age of 15, Zhang won the national youth dance championship and also appeared in a handful of TV commercials and began appearing in television commercials in Hong Kong. In 1996, Zhang entered the prestigious Central Academy of Drama in Beijing at the age of 17. Zhang Ziyi made her acting debut in the television film Touching Starlight at the age of 16. In 1998, while she was studying in Central Academy of Drama, Zhang was offered her first role by director Zhang Yimou in his film The Road Home, which won the Silver Bear prize at the 2000 Berlin International Film Festival. Zhang plays a country girl in love with the town's young teacher, she won the Best Actress Award at the 2000 Hundred Flowers Awards for her performance. Due to her success, Zhang was considered one of the Four Dan Actresses of China. Zhang rose to international fame in 2000 with her role as Yu Jiaolong in Ang Lee's re-visioned martial arts film Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. The movie's success in the US and Europe helped her break into Hollywood. Zhang plays a young Manchu noblewoman who has secretly learned martial arts and runs off to become a wandering swordswoman rather than commit to an arranged marriage. This role won her the Most Promising Actress award at the Chicago Film Critics Association Awards and Best Supporting Actress awards from the Independent Spirit Awards, as well as Toronto Film Critics Association Awards. Zhang then appeared in her first American film, Rush Hour 2 (2001) opposite Jackie Chan and Chris Tucker. In 2002, Zhang co-starred in Hero alongside Jet Li, Maggie Cheung and Tony Leung, directed by her early mentor Zhang Yimou. The film was a huge success in the English-speaking world and was nominated for an Oscar and a Golden Globe award in the category of Best Foreign Language Film. Zhang then appeared in House of Flying Daggers (2004), again by Zhang Yimou, where she starred along Takeshi Kaneshiro and Andy Lau. She plays the blind dancing girl Mei, who despite the lack of eyesight, is a skilled fighter. In preparation for the part, Zhang spent two months living with an actual blind girl. Her performance earned her a Best Actress nomination at the BAFTA Awards. Zhang next starred in Wong Kar-wai's romantic drama film 2046 (2004), which featured many top Chinese actors and actresses. Critics praise Zhang for her "expressive" body language that was combined with her "reserved and complex emotions" in performance as a struggling prostitute. Zhang won Best Actress awards at the Hong Kong Film Critics' Award and Hong Kong Film Academy Award. Zhang then played the lead role of Sayuri in the American film adaptation based on the international bestseller Memoirs of a Geisha. Controversy arose in China about having a Chinese woman portray a prominent Japanese geisha. Nonetheless, the film was a box office hit in the West. For the role, Zhang was nominated for the Golden Globe Award for Best Actress, the BAFTA Award for Best Actress in a Leading Role, and the Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Leading Role. On 27 June 2005, Zhang accepted an invitation to join the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS), placing her among the ranks of those who are able to vote on the Academy Awards. In May 2006, Zhang was chosen as a jury member of Feature Films at the 2006 Cannes Film Festival. Zhang returned to China in 2006 for the Chinese martial arts film The Banquet, directed by Feng Xiaogang. The film is a loose adaptation of William Shakespeare's Hamlet. In Forever Enthralled (2008), which tells the story of legendary Peking opera actor Mei Lanfang, Zhang appears in the second act as Mei's lover Meng Xiaodong. The Hollywood Reporter praised her performance as "confident and passion", giving the romance a sparkle. In 2012, Zhang starred next to Cecilia Cheung and Jang Dong-gun in the Chinese-Korean co-production Dangerous Liaisons, an adaptation of the French novel Les Liaisons dangereuses, narrating Shanghai of the 1930s. Zhang was reportedly paid 20 million RMB (approximately $3.5 million) for the role. The same year, she was cast in the coming-of-age film Forever Young directed and written by Li Fangfang. The film premiered in January 2018. In 2013, Zhang received the Ordre des Arts et des Lettres for her significant contributions to the film industry. Zhang reunited with Wong Kar-wai and Tony Leung for The Grandmaster (2013), which also marks her return to the martial arts genre after 7 years since The Banquet (2006). The film was China's submission to the Academy Awards for Best Foreign-Language Picture. Critics praise Zhang's portrayal of Gong'Er as the "best performance she's ever delivered in the history of her career." which led to her winning several "Best Actress" trophies across Asia. In 2014, Zhang starred in John Woo's romantic epic The Crossing, based on the true story of the Taiping steamer collision and follows six characters and their intertwining love stories in Taiwan and Shanghai during the 1930s. Zhang plays a poor illiterate woman waiting for her soldier lover in 1930's Shanghai. In 2015, Zhang produced her third film Oh My God, which stars Zhang Yixing and Li Xiaolu. She made a cameo appearance in the film. Zhang Ziyi was the first Chinese woman to be appointed as an Emporio Armani ambassador, which she served from 2009 to 2010. She also served as regional ambassadors for Mercedes-Benz, Garnier, Precious Platinum; and global ambassadors for Maybelline, Visa, TAG Heuer, Omega SA and Clé de Peau Beauté. Since 2019, she became the global ambassador for Chopard. In 2005, Zhang was listed in TIME's World's 100 Most Influential People. They called her "China's Gift to Hollywood". In 2008, she was awarded with the "Outstanding Contribution to Chinese Cinema" at the 11th Shanghai International Film Festival. In 2010, she was named "Actress of the Decade" by CineAsia. She previously won "Star of Tomorrow prize" back in 1999. In 2013, Zhang received the Order of Arts and Letter at the Ordre des Arts et des Lettres Awards. Zhang obtained Hong Kong residency in 2007 through the Quality Migrant Admission Scheme for her contribution to the local film industry. She is an admirer and collector of the works of the Chinese contemporary artist Shen Jingdong. Zhang was engaged to Israeli American venture capitalist Aviv Nevo until the couple separated in 2010. Zhang married Chinese rock musician Wang Feng in May 2015. On 27 December 2015, Zhang gave birth to their daughter, Wang Xingxing. In January 2020, Zhang gave birth to their son. 生平章子怡出生於中國北京海淀区,父親是電信局的一名幹部,母親是一位幼兒園老師。 1990年,章子怡媽媽認為跳舞可以改善章瘦小的體型,於是接受了鄰居的建議,讓章子怡在11歲時進入北京舞蹈學院附中舞蹈科,因而學習了6年的民間舞。後來章子怡在14歲時以替備的身份,於1994年參加了全國舞蹈比賽“桃李杯舞蹈比賽”獲得優秀表演獎,同時此次章子怡的舞蹈吸引了比賽台下的一名星探找她拍攝了其人生中第一個廣告。15歲時,章子怡首次有機會參與電影拍攝,在一部名為《星星點燈》的電影中扮演因為癌症而被迫截肢,遠離了心愛的舞蹈事業的堅強女孩陳薇,該電影其後於1996年上映。 章子怡在北京舞蹈學院附中畢業後,意識到自己不合適做一個舞蹈員,後來在朋友的建議下,決定學習表演。1996年章考入了中央戲劇學院戲劇表演系,就讀期間章曾獲得一個由張藝謀執導廣告的一個試鏡機會,後來章子怡沒有接拍,而張藝謀最終也沒有拍這部廣告。一年後,章子怡在大學二年級接到了張藝謀的電話,讓她出演電影《我的父親母親》,該電影以兒子第一人稱視角,以回憶的方式,講述了父親和母親年輕時的一段愛情故事。章子怡在片中扮演18歲時的母親田招娣,一個在20世紀50年代的農村生活,而且對愛情執著、表達直接的女孩子。 電影《我的父親母親》後來在1999年上映,章子怡次年以此戲獲得第23屆大眾電影百花獎最佳女主角[9],而該影片次年也獲得柏林國際電影節銀熊獎。 章子怡拍攝電影《我的父親母親》後,得到導演張藝謀的推薦,與周潤發、楊紫瓊、郎雄等港台資深影人合作,出演了由台灣導演李安執導,改編自王度廬同名小說的武侠電影《臥虎藏龍》,擔任劇中的一角「玉嬌龍」。該電影在2000年上映後在北美獲得多項獎項,其中包括金球獎最佳外語片、英國電影學院最佳外語片。同時該電影獲得第73屆奧斯卡金像獎10項提名,並最終獲得其中4個獎項包括奧斯卡最佳外語片獎。此片在全球的成功也讓章子怡人氣飆升,章憑此劇拿下了獨立精神獎最佳女配角,同時章也以此片首次獲得香港電影金像獎最佳女主角及金馬獎最佳女主角提名,以及多個海外獎項提名。《臥虎藏龍》的成功給章子怡帶來一個轉折,令她變成一個能文能武的演員,不但可以演文藝電影,還可以演動作戲。 她首部參與的好萊塢電影作品是與成龍和克里斯·塔克合作的功夫電影《尖峰時刻2》,章在電影中扮演反派角色「胡莉」。此片以香港及拉斯維加斯作電影背景,為了配合劇情章子怡在片中的對白都是說普通話。該電影於2001年上映,全球總票房高達3.4億美元,是2001年度最賣座電影第五位。 2002年,章子怡再度和張藝謀合作,與李連杰、梁朝偉、張曼玉等人共同出演參與張藝謀執導的武俠電影《英雄》,扮演女僕如月。該電影獲得了第60屆金球獎和第75屆奧斯卡金像獎最佳外語片獎提名,並為章子怡取得香港電影金像獎最佳女配角提名。 2004年章子怡有三部電影《十面埋伏》、《2046》和《茉莉花開》上映。武俠電影《十面埋伏》是章子怡第三度和張藝謀合作,並與劉德華、金城武等人一起共同演繹。此電影為章子怡獲得英國電影學院獎最佳女主角等提名及拿下2005年的華表獎優秀女演員。章在《2046》的精彩演繹為她贏得第24屆金像獎最佳女主角。 2005年2月,章子怡在第77屆奧斯卡頒獎典禮為最佳視覺效果頒獎,使她成為繼陳沖和劉玉玲後又一位在奧斯卡獎上擔任頒獎嘉賓的華人女星。同年章子怡在由羅伯·馬歇爾執導,知名導演史提芬·史匹堡監製,改編自同名美國小說的美國電影《藝伎回憶錄》公映。《藝伎回憶錄》這片是章子怡首次全劇用英文說對白,她在片中扮演女主角藝伎「小百合」,並因此片再度獲得英國電影學院獎最佳女主角和其他如金球獎最佳戲劇類電影女主角等海外提名。 2008年《梅蘭芳》上映,章子怡扮演知名京劇女老生演員孟小冬,並以此片獲第二座華表獎優秀女演員。 章子怡也曾嘗試過喜劇,自己監製並先後主演過《非常完美》和《非常幸運》。 王家衛執導電影《一代宗師》因劇本、男主演梁朝偉練武導致手骨折等原因,導致該電影拍攝期長達3年,並最終於2013年上映。片中章子怡對詮釋八卦掌傳人「宮二」宮若梅一角的為她抱回第50屆金馬獎和第15屆中國電影華表獎最佳女演员。至此章子怡成為華語影壇首位囊括大眾電影百花獎、中國電影華表獎、中國電影金雞獎、香港電影金像獎、台灣電影金馬獎華語電影五大獎最佳女主角獎的女演員。 章子怡在2007年透過優秀人才入境計劃,領取香港身分證。
章子怡曾分別和霍启山、阿維夫·尼沃(Aviv Vivi Nevo)和撒貝寧交往。在2008年7月和以色列籍風險投資家阿維夫·尼沃(Aviv Vivi Nevo,1965年3月15日-)訂婚。後來在2010年分手。 2015年2月7日,章子怡在生日派對上答應中國大陸歌手汪峰求婚。 2015年12月27日,章子怡在微博宣布女儿在美國出生。 2019年10月28日,章子怡現身東京國際電影節時,宣布懷第二胎,兼表示已懷孕30周。2020年1月1日,章子怡於美國誕下兒子。
December 2023